Shantanu Biswas LINKON
Courriels (Travail)
Web : Google Scholar
- Public architecture
- Public spaces
- Sociological aspects
- Climatic changes
- Bangladesh
- Canada
- Environnement and sustainable development
- Natural disasters reconstructions
- Public housing
- Urban vulnerability
My research interest is focused to define 'Social Value', the most intangible aspect of any architecture, built environment, and settlement.
Currently, according to common practice in architecture, the design value of any architecture in the built environment is widely accepted to be the sum of environmental, economic, and social value. But we can question, argue, and debate with this definition in stating that ‘A whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ While environmental value is generally measured in embodied and operational carbon (sometimes with the addition of biodiversity), there are several recognized methods for measuring economical value. Although architects often do not like to see themselves as an increment of economic gain, they create a huge amount of social value that they very often fail to record or capture. It is noteworthy that, though there are existing practices (albeit‑awed) for measuring economic and environmental value, there are no agreed measures of social value. Until this value is expressed in a format that can be fed into policy and procurement, it will remain invisible and ignored, leaving economic and environmental value as the sole dominant currency of built environment transactions.
Owing to this problem my research objective is to create a ‘Social Value Index’ for ensuring inclusive architecture.
Publications Expand all Collapse all
Article with reading committee (RAC):
2024 –
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas , Carmela Cucuzzella. “Thinking Beyond Green Space: Exploring a Development Project for Aligning with UN SDGs by Incorporating Social Value in Architecture.” City, Territory and Architecture, 2024. (submitted)
2017 –
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas. “Autonomy in Building Process to Adapt the Climate Change Impacts: A Study of the Coastal Settlements in Bangladesh.” International Journal of Environment and Sustainability 6, no. 2 (2017): 19–39.
Article without peer review (RSC):
2024 –
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas. “Waterfront Public Space as 'A Great Good Place.'” Canadian Competitions Catalogue, 2024. .
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas. “Waterfront Public Space as a “Great Good Place”.” Canadian Competition Catalogue, 2024. .
Contribution to a collective work (COC):
2023 –
- Chupin, Jean-Pierre, ed. Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in The Built Environment in Canada: Booklet of Experiences Shared by Members, Partners and Students Associated with the Quality Research Partnership (SSHRC #895-2022-1003) . Canada, 2023. .
Publication in conference proceedings (CAC):
2023 –
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas. “Re-Evaluating the Social Value of Architecture in the Public Realms through Inclusiveness and Environmental Justice.” Presented at the Symposium 360 - ACSA - 2023 Edition (21 March-23 March), University of Montreal, 2023.
2019 –
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas, and Nur Mohammad Khan. “Autonomous Building Process for Adapting the Climate Change Impacts: Learning from the Urban Informal Settlement in Khulna.” In Proceedings on International Conference on Disaster Risk Management, 268 - 74. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019.
Research report or opinion produced for the government (RRA):
2024 –
- Chupin, Jean-Pierre, Farfán María P., and Hazbei Morteza, ed. “Full Verbatim Transcripts and Summaries: Halifax Convention 2024: Section 4- Public Debates and National Strategies.” Canada, 2024: 173-174. .
- Chupin, Jean-Pierre, Farfán María P., and Hazbei Morteza. “Summaries and Short Extracts from 44 Reports of the Halifax Convention (2024): 'First Version of 14 Roadmaps to Quality in Canada's Built Environment.'” Canada, 2024: 108-109. .
2023 –
- Chupin, Jean-Pierre, ed. “Research Report on the Online Convention: Session #3 – Establishing Shared Values.” Canada, 2023: 20-22. .
- Chupin, Jean-Pierre, ed. “Final Student Reports on Roundtables: Third Annual Convention, Calgary, May 2023.” Canada, 2023: 47-50. .
2022 –
- Chupin, Jean-Pierre. “Final Student Reports on Roundtables: Second Annual Convention, Online December 2022.” Canada, 2022: 26-35. .
Oral communications (COM posters, presentations, etc.):
2024 –
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas. “A Glimpse of Bangladeshi Architecture: Traditional, Modern, Contemporary and Vernacular.” Presented as part of the course Architecture, Cultures and Globalization (ARC3306), University of Montreal, 2024.
- Linkon, Shantanu Biswas. (Director). Social Value in Architecture, 2024. .
2023 –
- Cucuzzella, Carmela, Shantanu Biswas Linkon, and Firdous Nizar. “CIS #9 - Localizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Design By Prof. Carmela Cucuzzella (Concordia University) - 06.16.2023.” 2023. .
Additional Information
- Autonomy in Building Process to Adapt the Climate Change Impacts: A Study of the Coastal Settlements in Bangladesh
- Autonomous Building Process for Adapting the Climate Change Impacts: Learning From the Urban Informal Settlement In Khulna
- Localizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Design by Prof. Carmela Cucuzzella (Concordia University) - 16.06.202
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