Benjamin Herazo
Travail 1 : 514 343-6111 #1225
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PhD Aménagement
, Aménagement, Architecture , Université de Montréal (Canada)
MSc Économie
, Économie , Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombie)
Bac. Architecture
, Architecture, Urbanisme , Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombie)
- Membre – GRIF — Groupe de recherche IF
- Membre – Œuvre Durable
- Membre – Chaire Fayolle-Magil Construction
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Projet SUSTENTO : Enhancing the resilience of alternative food systems in informal settings in Latin America and the Caribbean through bottom-up initiatives in the built environment Projet de recherche à l’international / 2021 - 2025
Projet ADAPTO : Adaptation aux changements climatiques en contexte informel Projet de recherche à l’international / 2017 - 2021
Publications Expand all Collapse all
Herazo, B. (2017). The Influence of Sustainability in Project Management Practices in the Building Sector. PhD Thesis, Université de Montréal, Montréal.
Herazo, B., & Lizarralde, G. (2016). Understanding stakeholders’ approaches to sustainability in building projects. Sustainable Cities and Society, 26, 240-254.
Herazo, B., & Lizarralde, G. (2015). The influence of green building certifications in collaboration and innovation processes. Construction Management and Economics, 33(4), 279-298.
Herazo, B., Lizarralde, G., & Paquin, R. (2012). Sustainable Development in the Building Sector: A Canadian Case Study on the Alignment of Strategic and Tactical Management. [21]. Project Management Journal, 43(2), 84-100.
Herazo, B. (2012). Les parties prenantes du projet d’architecture face au développement durable : entre la vision stratégique et le projet. Revue ARQ(159), 28.
de Blois, M., Herazo, B., Latunova, I., & Lizarralde, G. (2011). Relationships between Construction Clients and Participants of the Building Industry: Structures and Mechanisms of Coordination and Communication. [24]. International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 7(1), 3-22.
Communications Expand all Collapse all
Lizarralde, G., Herazo, B., Labbé, D., Bornstein, L., Lopez, A., Olivera, A., Ascui, H., Paez-Martinez, H. J., Bouchereau, K., & Robertson, M. (2017, June 1-2). Reinforcing bottom-up initiatives for Climate Change Adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Conference presented at the 8th International i-Rec Conference and Student Competition. Reconstruction and recovery for displaced populations and refugees, York University, Toronto, Canada.
Arango, S., Herazo, B., Lizarralde , G., & Lopez, A. (2017, June 1-2). Reducing the vulnerability of internally populations through tactila urbanis: A case of research and implementation in Colombia. Conference presented at the 8th International i-Rec Conference and Student Competition. Reconstruction and recovery for displaced populations and refugees, Toronto, Canada.
Leoto, R., Lizarralde , G., & Herazo, B. (2014, August 3-7). Limits and scope of innovation and collaboration in integrated design practices. Conference presented at the UIA 2014, Durban, South Africa.
Herazo, B. (2013). Conférence: Le développement durable comme un outil pour aligner le plan stratégique et la gestion de projets dans le secteur du bâtiment. Paper presented at the Cours AME-6501: Practiques des disciplines en aménagement, Montréal, QC.
Herazo, B., & Lizarralde, G. (2012). Multi-role and complex stakeholders in the built environment - The case of universities. Paper presented at the Séminaire GRIF, Montreal.
Lizarralde, G., Herazo, B., & de Blois, M. (2011). Collaboration and Innovation in the Early Phases of Projects of Architecture and Urban Design. Paper presented at the IRNOP, Montreal, Canada.
Herazo, B., & de Blois, M. (2011, October 29-30). Knowledge Management in Sustainable Building Projects: A Bridge between Strategic and Tactical Management. Conference presented at the 2nd International Conference Constructed Environment, Chicago, IL.
Herazo, B., & Lizarralde, G. (2011, August 22-26). From EcoCampus to EcoCities: The alignment between strategic plans and tactical management in university green building projects. Conference presented at the 9th Ecocity World Summit, Montreal.
Herazo, B. (2011, April 29). Le développement durable comme outil servant à aligner le plan stratégique avec les aspects tactiques de la gestion de projets dans le secteur du bâtiment. Conference presented at the 1er colloque de la recherche étudiante en aménagement, Montreal.
Herazo, B., & Lizarralde, G. (2010, May 10-13). Sustainable development in construction: A tool to bridge the gap between strategic and tactical planning. Conference presented at the CIB World Congress, Salford, UK.
Additional Information
Artefacts of Disaster Risk Reduction
In Artefacts of Disaster Risk Reduction, our team explores how to bridge the gap between inefficient top-down policymaking and the often-neglected capacities on the ground. We coined the term “artefacts of disaster risk reduction” to refer to the set of rituals, practices, events, and spaces that make it possible for people in informal settings to work together, develop trust, and reduce or manage the multiple risks they face.
Comité d'éthique de la recherche en arts et humanités (CERAH)
Le mandat du comité est évaluer, conformément à la Politique, l’acceptabilité éthique de toute recherche avec des êtres humains menée sous leur autorité ou sous leurs auspices, c’est-à-dire par les membres de leur corps professoral, leurs employés ou leurs étudiants, et ce, quel que soit l’endroit où s’effectue la recherche.
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